Today in the age of the Internet, documents can be sent considerably more comfortably and economically by email or by Fax.
Worldwide, the Portable Document Format (PDF) has unchallengedly gained acceptance as the standard format for digital documents as such.
Now PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine is a so-called PDF Converter, i.e. a software, which turns documents of any arbitrary type, e.g.
- MS Office types like *.doc, *.ppt, *.xls
- Internet pages like *.htm und *.html
- image file types like *.tif, *.bmp, *.jpg
- etc., etc ...
into PDF.
For this purpose, all you have to do is open the desired document (for example a MS Word *.doc) with the corresponding PC-application (in this case MS Word), and formally print it on printer "PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine" - as PostScope is a so-called Virtual Printer Driver.
That means: When printing any arbitrary document on PostScope, the output is not going to be a printed sheet of paper, but a PDF file, or PostScript file respectively, which can be saved to hard disk and / or send to the addressee directly by email.